
For Fortuna, a pleasant and professional relationship with representatives of the press is of great importance.
Within the club, the Communications & Media Department is responsible for all internal and external communications and serves as the first point of contact for all media outlets. The department's responsibilities include processing accreditation requests and interview requests.
A (press) accreditation is required to attend a match. This can be requested per match at the Media & Communications department. For this you must be in possession of an NSP or AIPS card. This is a requirement, but not a guarantee. Fortuna uses the guidelines of NSP and AIPS for awarding an accreditation. Requests may be submitted up to 72 hours prior to the start of the game, requests received later will not be considered. For NSP card holders, requests should be made through the NSP website.
If you wish to attend the match as a freelancer, we would like to receive the request by email, indicating the name of the client (including contact person) and phone number. These requests will be judged on their merits on a case by case basis and where Fortuna Sittard deems it necessary, exceptionally granted. Fortuna Sittard expressly reserves the right to reject a request for accreditation in case of requests without an NSP card.
All requests for club employees (Fortuna 1, Fortuna Women and youth training) should be submitted to the Communications & Media Department. As with granting accreditations, Fortuna uses NSP and AIPS guidelines to approve an interview request. A request can be submitted by mail. No commitments will generally be scheduled from 48 hours prior to a game.
Fortuna reserves the right, upon review, to change factual inaccuracies and quotes or refuse publication of the article.
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