
Alieke Tuin called up for Dutch national team

01 November 2022
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Home / News / Alieke Tuin called up for Dutch national team
2022 Tuin Oranje

For the first time in Fortuna Women's history, a player has been called up for De Oranje Leeuwinnen. Alieke Tuin is part of the final selection, which will play two practice matches in mid-November. Costa Rica is the opponent on November 11, Denmark on November 15.

A nice reward for Garden, who is enjoying a strong season start at the left-back position. "This is really wonderful," the leading player kicks off. "Of course you dream about this from a young age, to be called up for the national team. I'm immensely proud and grateful. It's going to be a wonderful experience no matter what."

The 21-year-old from Groningen was one of the first players to join Fortuna Women. Previously, the multifunctional Garden played for the ladies of Heerenveen and Alkmaar. Should it come to a debut, after Samantha van Diemen (3 caps) Tuin will be the second Fortunees with international matches for the Dutch national team behind her name.