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Danny Buijs visits CNO Sittard

19 September 2023
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2023 AZC CNO

Friday afternoon turned into a special day for the youth staying at the temporary crisis emergency shelter on Zurichstraat in Sittard. They were surprised with brand new soccer shoes, handed to them by head coach Danny Buijs.

The visit was combined with an inspiring soccer clinic. This generous gesture was made possible thanks to the generous contribution of local entrepreneurs from the business community PIT.ground, located on the Poststraat in Sittard. In cooperation with Wim Slangen Sports from Echt, they jointly provided the fitting and delivery of the soccer boots.

Marcel Hartjes on behalf of the participating companies: "When we saw the call from Conny Zorg to donate soccer shoes to the children in the crisis shelter, we decided to take action. We wanted to donate new soccer shoes to the children who play soccer at various clubs in the Sittard-Geleen region."

To give this special donation even more meaning, contact was made with Fortuna. CSR Manager Coen Cremers "For Fortuna it is of great importance to be involved in our local community. Supporting this action for a vulnerable target group, by means of our presence and providing a soccer clinic, fits in perfectly with our social pillars and the message Fortuna wants to spread in the region."