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First edition Fortuna Football School full

21 March 2023
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2021 Fortuna jeugdspeler

Just under a week ago, Fortuna opened the registration period for the first edition of Fortuna Football School. After a few days, all spots were already taken.

But don't worry! Due to the resounding success, it has been decided to immediately open registration for the second edition as well. This edition will start on October 4 and run until mid-December. The training sessions will again take place at the sports complex of FC Geleen-Zuid.

Fortuna Football School

The programs of the Fortuna Football and Football Camps are led by qualified youth trainers from the Fortuna Academy. The activities are organized for children with and without soccer experience. Besides the training philosophy of the Fortuna Academy there is also plenty of attention for other soccer related activities to increase the enjoyment of the participants.