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Fortuna switches to Tymes4 ticketing system

17 May 2023
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2023 Ormer ICT Tymes4

Fortuna will switch to a new ticketing system with effect from the 2023/2024 season. The club will use the ticketing platform Tymes4, a service from Ormer ICT. Tymes4 offers extensive options for ticketing for professional football organizations.

Following the new website, the new environment must contribute to the user-friendliness of the supporters. "We see the switch to Tymes4 as an essential step in the further professionalization of the club," said general manager Ivo Pfennings. "We see spectator numbers increasing, this season there were an average of more than 10,000 spectators in the stadium at a Fortuna home game. We have not yet reached our ceiling, we also want to continue to grow in this area in the coming years. A user-friendly ticket environment is important in this respect ."

Pfennings is convinced that Ormer ICT, also the market leader in the Netherlands, is the right partner for this. "The Tymes4 platform was developed specifically for BVOs, arising from the urgent needs of those same organizations. They therefore know exactly what is going on in football and how to respond to this. That numerous clubs in the Netherlands are already working successfully with Tymes4 shows that it is a reliable service. I am convinced of a good cooperation for the coming years."

Frank van Eijsden, Chief of Operations at Ormer ICT Software Development: “Each club is unique. We are extremely proud that Fortuna has chosen Tymes4 as the seventeenth Dutch football club. Fortuna is a beautiful and innovative club. The club was the first professional football organization in the Netherlands, so true pioneers. We are obviously looking forward to this collaboration.”

Membership campaign

We are currently working hard on the implementation of the ticketing system in collaboration with Ormer ICT. The last points will be completed in the coming period, so that after the last home game you can immediately switch to the new ticket system. The membership campaign will therefore start on Monday 29 May and more information will follow in the coming period.