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Roger Kessels strengthens commercial team

09 December 2022
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2022 Roger Kessels

Roger Kessels joins Fortuna's commercial department as of Jan. 2. The 50-year-old Roermond native was in the past a shareholder at Personeel Specialisten. Before that, he held various sales positions in the insurance industry. Kessels is no stranger to Fortuna. As business partner and seatholder, he was one of the cheerful nuts within the Business Club until this moment.

Roger on his new challenge: "I can't put into words how much I am looking forward to this incredible challenge. As a Fortuna supporter, it's fantastic to be able to actively contribute a little bit, or rather a stone, to the club's success. From January 2, we are going full throttle!"

Commercial manager Jiry Funke: "With his experience and network in Central Limburg, Roger is an absolute enrichment for the organization. A few weeks ago we started talking about the future of Fortuna. To my great pleasure, Roger expressed his interest in joining Fortuna. After a very positive conversation with general manager Ivo Pfennings things went quickly. With also Tom Daemen already on board we now have a great team ready to realize our ambitions and grow even harder."